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Tuesday Tie-In

Growing disciples from the ground up

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On Mission Together

Week 1

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What talents has God given you?

How can you use you talents to help your friends?

Make a contact list of all your friends and family that will help you use your talents to share God.

Who can you ask to help share the gospel with others?

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Week 2

Week 3


Who do you think is looking to you as an example?

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Where do you feel like you are not old enough to be a leader?

How can you set a godly example this week?

How can you be a leader when you're not in charge?

Week 4


What are some good consequences when you obey?

What are some bad consequences when you disobey?

Are there bad choices that we've made that we need to apologize for?

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Name a few reasons why trusted leaders give you rules.

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